Read the latest updates from Walking With The Wounded's 'Walking Home ' winter campaign

Cygnet Health Step Out For Walking Home!

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Back by popular demand...

Cygnet Health has been a fabulous supporter of Walking Home For The Christmas in the past and after a years' break, Operations Director Barry Swire and CEO Tony Romero are back for more in 2021! Coordinating walks across the UK, Cygnet was also famous in 2019 for their walk from London down to Portsmouth. This year they're tying in Walking With The Wounded directly, with Barry and Tony going from our office in Manchester to their site in Bury and are keeping their fingers and toes crossed for good weather! Support them here:  

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Afghanistan Veteran Matthew undertakes 24 Marathon!

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Local veteran, Matthew, based in Wiltshire, will be taking on the challenge of walking for 24 hours to raise money for ex-military and their families as part of Walking With The Wounded’s Christmas campaign, Walking Home For Christmas. On December 16th, Matthew will take on the momentous challenge, supported by Damon Saddler the Personal Development Manager, and will be joined for parts of the route by residents and other staff from Entrain Space which offers supported accommodation to ex-military, helping them transition into civilian life.

Commenting on the challenge, Matthew said, “I joined the Army in 2009 and really enjoyed my Army career. I was deployed to Afghanistan twice and everything seemed fine until I returned to the UK in...

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Paul's 55-Mile Walk in Manchester

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On December 13th, Paul, a veteran based in Manchester will take part in Walking With The Wounded’s (‘WWTW’), Walking Home For Christmas campaign to raise vital funds to support those who served.

Paul joined the Armed Forces when he was 16 and served in The Royal Signals. He was involved in operational tours in Northern Ireland and Bosnia and although Paul mostly enjoyed his career in the Army, some moments and experiences had a lasting impact on him.

Paul is taking part in Walking Home For Christmas to help raise money to support veteran’s mental health. He said, “I have supported Walking With The Wounded for several years and have taken part in their past fundraising events. I signed-up for Walking Home For Christmas to give something...

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Suffolk ACF Deputy Commandant walks 100miles

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This December, Lieutenant Colonel, Robert Simpkin, who is based in Suffolk, will take on a momentous 100-mile sponsored walk to support Walking With The Wounded’s Walking Home For Christmas campaign. Robert has been involved in the Army Cadet Force (ACF) for 17 years and has 2 children, who both serve in the ACF and the British Armed Forces.

Commenting on his Walking Home For Christmas challenge, Robert said, “I originally got involved with Walking Home For Christmas last year through the Army Cadet Force (ACF). We encouraged our Cadets to get involved because it is great for them to volunteer and raise money for the wider Military family. It also presented a great opportunity to get the Cadets out in the fresh air and keeping active.


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'Walting' Home For Christmas

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On December 18th, a team of 11 veterans and currently serving servicemen, will take on a phenomenal challenge as they walk 45.7 miles from Chesterfield to the Cenotaph in Manchester, carrying 45.7lbs (the equivalent of carrying a Men’s Olympic barbell) to commemorate the 457 Armed Forces personnel who died in Afghanistan.

James Holt, the team leader, served in Afghanistan, Ukraine, and Estonia. He is currently serving as a Reservist and recently supported Op Rescript, the Armed Forces support for the Covid-19 pandemic. He commented, “I have volunteered for WWTW a few times and think it is important that our veteran brothers and sisters get the support they need, you’re only a soldier for so long, but you are a veteran forever.

I am...

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13 Company SW London ACF - Smashing it London Style!

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The Cadets and Adult Volunteers from 13 Company SW London ACF have got an early march on Walking Home For Christmas this year! Led by Joe Cox and Kaz Lorimer the team are doing a 18 mile walk from Putney to the Royal Hospital Chelsea, with one of the team Andy Hurcumb even carrying a Christmas tree on the route to deliver to the hospital!

Walking With The Wounded's Megan Taylor went down to meet the team on the 23rd November to get some early photos in and was blown away by the passion and enthusiasm of the cadets and volunteers. We cant wait for the walk on the 12th December, where they will be stopping at their 7 different detachments from Putney to Wimbledon, Morden, Southfields, Balham, Battersea to Chelsea Hospital. 

Bring it...

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Mark's Story

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‘I wish more people would reach out. It’s hard to ask for help but if you do then the help is there. My WWTW Employment Advisor, Chris, did so much more than just support me into work. His own experiences with mental health helped me to get a grip on my issues and guide me to where I am now.’

Mark joined the Army when he needed a job and the opportunities where he lived were in short supply. He knew that he wanted a decent career, and the military seemed a good choice. Initially, Mark joined the Parachute Regiment and completed 12 months of hard training. Disaster struck when he seriously injured his ankle, and he was unable to complete his essential parachute jumps.

As a keen soldier, Mark was determined to continue his military career....

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Matt's Veteran Story

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Initially referred for a mental health assessment, Matt was diagnosed with PTSD and received therapy. His job was identified as part of the problem and he was advised to start a new career. Dan worked to restore Matt’s confidence and helped guide him through the job market. Matt will start a new role shortly and is feeling positive about the future.

‘The support and advice that WWTW provided, turned my life around. I still have my down days and I feel challenged every so often, but these are becoming fewer. I am a better person to be with and I feel my family love me more than ever and in turn I feel I have the right to love them back. I feel I am the father I want to be to my young children. I am so grateful. Thank you.’

Matt was 17 when...

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Army Cadets Force - Marching on Mental Health

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This year the Army Cadets Force have taken the leaderboard by storm, raising a whopping 44,160 so far...

73 ACF teams from up and down the country have donned their Santa Hats to help support ex-military and their families this Christmas.  Leading the way for ACF is Beds & Herts County, having raised a total of 4,099.91 and counting!

On Saturday 5th December Niquita Potter, from Devon ACF completed an incredible 14.1 miles from Haytor on Dartmoor to the war memorial in Newton Abbot. She got cold, she got wet and it was dark by the end - but she made it. 

Niquita absolutely smashed her target raising over 1000. Thank you! 

Niquita said: 'I am a proud member of Devon ACF and have been for over 5 years. This means a lot...

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