Here are some commonly asked questions from our participants.

No. It can be a creative walk or challenging alternative, maybe somewhere that is important to you.

Walk from or to a barracks, war memorial, point of interest, pick a daily mileage target, walk the date e.g. 12 miles on the 12 December, walk up a particular hill, or bring friends together for a catch up. Taking part and raising money for the cause is what counts.

Nothing! If you can organise your friends and family, get out in the cold to undertake a challenge, and raise money for Walking With The Wounded - we welcome you with open arms to our event.

We know how hard you will be working (and walking!) to raise money for WWTW. So, this year we’ve introduced some goodies to reward you for your efforts:

• If you raise over £25 you will be eligible for a WWTW Red Beanie.

• If you raise over £100 you will be eligible for a WWTW T-shirt.

• If you raise over £250 you will be eligible for a WWTW hoodie.

These rewards will be automatically sent when you reach the required targets and will be with you within 10 working days. If you have yet to receive any of the rewards you are eligible for, please get in touch with events.team@wwtw.org.uk.

You can also visit our online shop to purchase other items from Walking With The Wounded.

Yes, if you prefer. These are only guidelines to give the campaign a focus. You are welcome to complete your walk at any time and any date that suits you. We are hugely grateful for your fundraising efforts.

Absolutely. It’s the reason we’re running the campaign – to support those who have walked in far more dangerous situations so they can support themselves and their families.. We could not continue to support all those who have served without your fundraising. We know it’s not always easy, so remember the difference you are making to veterans and their families this winter and beyond

Every £1,596 raised could fund a comprehensivetherapy course, giving a veteran the tools to support their mental health needs now and in the future.

Need support or ideas? We’re here to help. Email events.team@wwtw.org.uk or visit our Fundraising Toolkit.


When you sign up via walking-home.walkingwiththewounded.org.uk, your online fundraising page is created automatically under your personalised profile URL.

Please note: we are unable to link other online giving pages to your Walking Home profile. If you are raising money on another page, e.g. JustGiving, Facebook Fundraiser, or collecting cash, please make sure you tell us and send us a screen grab (or pay it in if it is cash) so we can be made aware. Once notified, we can add any money we receive to the total on your Walking Home profile page.

Simple. Please go to our Strength in Numbers page and follow the instructions.

Login, navigate to your team page and you'll see an option to share a link via email. Click the email icon, then send the email to the relevant person(s). You can also add people to your team who are doing the same walk as you in a different location, or at a different time, so you can see your collective impact.

Yes please. Simply go to the sign-up page. Thanks for coming back for more!

There are three ways of taking part:

1. Sign up, create your profile, and lead your group on a walk encouraging them to donate to your fundraising page on walking-home.walkingwiththewounded.org.uk or collect cash.

2. Sign up, create a team and use the invite button to invite each of your teammates so they can register and receive their own rewards, as well as emails about the campaign and how your money is making a difference.

3. Sign up, create a team and choose to allow anyone to join you. Then share the link to your team walk via social media or local groups (making sure you have included all the relevant details) to encourage others to join you.

There is a poster available on the website for you to rally your friends or workmates within our Fundraising Toolkit. You can then encourage them to sign up online at walking-home.walkingwiththewounded.org.uk.

This year we won’t be running our organised walks. Instead, we are sticking with the tried and tested model of supporting your fabulous walks up and down the country. If you are interested in seeing if there is a walk near you, particularly in Newcastle, Norfolk or Manchester, please get in touch by emailing events.team@wwtw.org.uk for more details.

First you need to register to participate. Once you have completed sign-up you will have your own Walking Home fundraising profile page. You can then direct people to your unique profile page URL where they can make a donation through our secure payment gateway using a valid debit/credit card or using PayPal.

Please email events.team@wwtw.org.uk between 9am and 5pm. If you can take a screenshot or send a description of the issue that is occurring, that will help us create a resolution.

When registering with us you will have chosen a password - don't worry if you've forgotten it.

Simply click Forgotten Password in the Login area and enter your registered email address and you will be able to reset your password. Make sure you enter your password accurately as all passwords are case sensitive.

Your username is the email address you registered with during sign-up; if you cannot remember this or need further help, please contact us at events.team@wwtw.org.uk.

Every walker has a story to tell, and all coverage spreads the word and inspires others to get involved. Make sure you update your profile page with a photo and the story behind your walk.

Then contact your local media (radio, online news outlets, newspapers, regional TV, etc.) as well as local veterans’ groups and walking groups.

Could your local paper help with your Walking Home campaign? If you get interest and the journalist wants images, logos or a quote then please contact events.team@wwtw.org.uk.

Don’t forget to tell your employer for internal newsletters/monthly email updates and trade media to get some positive PR for your business, and/or tell any clubs you are part of.

On social media you can use #WWTWWalking Home or #WalkingHome on X, Facebook and Instagram to join the online buzz. Share photos of your walk and training so we can see them and remember to tag us so we can share your efforts and inspire others.

Adding photo updates to your page are a really good way of encouraging more donations – along with thanking your donors publicly on your social channels.

Yes, of course. Please email us for further information at events.team@wwtw.org.uk

You can pay money in however suits you:

Cheques (inc. CAF) - Marked payable to “Walking With The Wounded” and sent to Walking With The Wounded, Stody Hall Barns, Stody, Melton Constable, NR24 2ED. Please make sure you write your name, contact details and WH 2024 on the back.

Online – Pay money into your Walking Home fundraising page. This is then automatically transferred to the charity each week.

WWTW Charity Bank Account - If you need to make a money transfer please use:

Sort Code: 20-30-81

Account Number: 33616436.

Make sure you use the reference WH2024 and your individual/team name.

Don’t forget to send in any cash as soon as you can. We can add this to your Walking Home page so your friends can see your fundraising efforts and nudge you up the leaderboards. Whilst we try to encourage all donations to be made online via an individual or team's profile page, we realise this isn't possible for everybody. There’s a sponsorship form available for people to download and print in order to send in cash donations.

When you’ve collected all your cash, please send a cheque for the total cash donation amount and the completed donation form to the address above.

Please remember:

  • Offline donations will show on your page within 5 days of receipt. Please note the office will be closed from 24 December – 02 January, therefore any offline donations will be added to your page at the start of January.
  • Please make cheques/CAF cheques/postal orders payable to: Walking With The Wounded (and make sure you write your name/team name and ‘WH 2024’ on the back).
  • Please do not send cash through the post.
  • We will update your profile page once we have received and processed your donations to show the cash donations made – which will bump you up the leaderboard. You will also receive an email letting you know that your cash donations have been added.
  • Facebook Fundraisers - The money from these comes automatically to WWTW two weeks AFTER the Facebook Fundraiser has finished.
  • JustGiving - Any money raised on these pages is automatically paid to WWTW each fortnight.

There are strict rules on charity collections. You need a licence from most councils for street collections and permission from the property owner for any collections in a private place. We can send you a collection tin to use when on private property to collect in your workplace, gym or clubhouse for example, or to collect cash donations from your group during your walk. Please email events.team@wwtw.org.uk with your request.

The money raised by Walking Home funds Walking With The Wounded's programmes supporting veterans and their families who are most in need - empowering them to thrive once more in their communities.

See the About WWTW page on the website for more information.

WWTW is a registered charity in England and Wales (no. 1153497) and Scotland (no. SCO47760).

WWTW is registered with the Fundraising Regulator and independently audited each year.

All the money raised from Walking Home goes to Walking With The Wounded which is registered with the Charity Commission who require annual audited accounts and show the percentage that every charity spends on its charitable programmes.

We are proud that 80p of every £1 we raise gets spent on our programmes, with 20p spent on fundraising and governance.

To see WWTW's full breakdown of charitable spending, please visit the Charity Commission website.

You can read more success stories of the veterans your efforts support by visiting our website.

Gift Aid is a great opportunity for donors to make their voluntary donations to the campaign worth 25% more – without spending an extra penny. It enables charities like ours to claim the basic tax that donors have paid on their donations back from HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC). If every supporter who is eligible agreed to Gift Aid their donation, it would raise hundreds of thousands of pounds more to support men and women who served.

To be eligible to add Gift Aid to your donation you must be a UK tax payer and you must have paid or will pay an amount of Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax for the current tax year (6 April to 5 April) that is at least equal to the amount of tax that all the charities and Community Amateur Sports Clubs (CASCs) that you donate to will reclaim on my gifts for the current tax year. Other taxes such as VAT and Council Tax do not qualify. The charity will reclaim 25p of tax on every £1 that you have given.

Please check your junk email folder. Sadly, the amount of spam emails means junk mail filters are becoming more and more complex. It is difficult for us to be 100% sure that your donation receipt will be delivered to your inbox successfully. If the receipt is not in your junk folder and you still haven't received it after a couple of hours, please contact us at events.team@wwtw.org.uk.

Security is an important priority for us, and we are committed to protecting your privacy. We use up-to-date technology to protect your personal details. To avoid the risk of computer fraud, your debit/credit card number is not stored in our system at any point during the payment process.

Please see our Privacy Policy at the bottom of this page for further information. All debit/credit card transactions are encrypted before transmission using 256 bit SSL encryption. Please click on the SSL Seal in the URL area of a participant or team profile page to verify our details.

Walking Home uses Stripe as our payment gateway.

Got another question?

Please call on 07761 747 029 or email events.team@wwtw.org.uk

Thank you for your support

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Walking Home - Let's Talk

Walking With The Wounded's annual and nationwide seasonal challenge encouraging conversations around mental health.

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