
Walking Home to Hampshire

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Raising Money For

Just three unwise men, following a star to Basingtoke, to support struggling veterans and their families. We'll be walking home on 19/20 December, from Waterloo to Basingstoke (57 miles in all). Charity walk or pessimistic assessment of the South Western Railway Christmas timetable? You decide.

3 Team Members View all

Avatar Name Raised
Jamie Leader
Team Leader
Alastair Balmain £242.07
Simon Albert £186.90

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Status Updates

£25.00 from Broadsword

Gift Aid +£6.25

Good luck Danny Boy. Strength and honour!

£25.82 from Anna Whitby

Gift Aid +£6.46

Good luck boys! X

£10.45 from Simon Jagger

Gift Aid +£2.61

Make sure you keep well hydrated Jamie - lots of pubs on the route will help!

£25.00 from Nicola Jack

Gift Aid +£6.25

Nicky would have been so impressed to think of you yomping home from London and possibly surprised that I’m not doing it too! Best of luck!

Thanks Nicky! I suspect she'd have been baffled...

£20.00 from Marsh Family

Gift Aid +£5.00

You put us in the shade! Go for it

£10.00 from Hatty Leader

Gift Aid +£2.50

Amazing! Good luck xxxx

£41.20 from Albert’s banger supplier

Gift Aid +£10.30

£102.70 from Simon Colbeck

Gift Aid +£25.68

Walk on , walk on with hope in your heart

Very kind - thank you Simon!

£10.45 from Rachel

Gift Aid +£2.61

With you - in spirit!

It's not too late for you to sign up, Rach!

£51.45 from Benjamin John

Gift Aid +£12.86
Thanks so much, Ben.
Donate to Walking Home to Hampshire

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