
Durham County Council Armed Forces Staff Network

Donate to Durham County Council Armed Forces Staff Network






Raising Money For

As part of the Armed Forces Staff Network, we are all either Veterans, Spouses, Reservists, Cadet Adult Volunteers that have close affiliation with the Armed Forces Community.

We understand how Ex Service People can be affected on leaving Military and aim to make a small difference to that community which is strong in the Durham Region.

Should we raise a little money or even signpost post one veteran in the right direction, then effort is worth while.

Thank you.

2 Team Members View all

Avatar Name Raised
John Blowes
Team Leader
Declan Blowes £338.60

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Status Updates

Status Update

Hi everyone, on the 23rd of December a small team from the Durham Armed forces Network will walk from Darlington (50 Signal Squadron) to Durham town centre (Market Square) Approx 20 Miles, hopefully raising funds and awareness around Veterans Mental Health (not all will enjoy a Happy Christmas with loved ones).

Thank you for your support.

Donate to Durham County Council Armed Forces Staff Network

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