Read the latest updates from Walking With The Wounded's 'Walking Home ' winter campaign

Brendan's Veteran Story

By Walking With The Wounded on

Every penny you raise for Walking Home For Christmas will support people like Brendan...

Served in N.Ireland, Kosovo and the Falklands in a 12 year spell with 3 Para before doing a further 14 years as an Army Medic.  

He was diagnosed with PTSD believed to be from his first-hand involvement of treating casualties returning from various conflicts – and was reluctantly medically discharged from the Army two years after suffering a stroke.

Brendan was referred to the NHS Veterans team after his PTSD flared up while being treated in hospital for an infection. They referred him to WWTW to find a job which would help with his mental health.

"Mentally, I was on the floor when I was referred to WWTW. My Employment Advisor picked me up and...

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Anthony's Veteran Story

By Walking With The Wounded on

Every penny you raise for Walking Home For Christmas will support people like Anthony...

Joined the Army at 16, following in the footsteps of his father and grandfather, and served 16 years with tours in Germany, Sinai (Egypt), Beirut and five tours in N.Ireland. His mental health declined in the Army but Anthony said, “the last thing I wanted to do was lose my command. I clammed up and didn’t dare talk about it. You keep it to yourself; us men clam up.”

Decades later his wife persuaded him to seek help and he was referred to WWTW by Combat Stress.

“I’d been having flashbacks for the past 26 years but hadn’t spoken to my wife about them. I can talk about what I saw now. I couldn’t talk to people before without breaking down, or shaking....

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Carly's Veteran Story

By Walking With The Wounded on

Every penny you raise for Walking Home For Christmas will support people like Carly...

Joined the Army but discharged after 15 months with mental health issues.

She suffered a breakdown and struggled to hold down a job.

A Walking With The Wounded Employment Advisor reassured her she was entitled to support despite short service history, arranged mental health therapy, volunteering, work experience and job opportunities.

“My whole has changed after meeting the employment advisor from WWTW. I can now see that I have a bright future thanks to them.” - Carly

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